London Welsh Rugby Club, Richmond 2008

Attendees (110):  Ray Argent, John Armstrong, Mike Bailey, David Ball, Roy Bayliss, David Belsham, Alan Bloxham, Geoffrey Bowyer, John Bundy, Kevin Burge, John Cant, Derek Carr, Gary Chamberlin, Tom Chitty, Graham Clifton, Hugh Coulston, Peter Cox, Nick Crisp, Bob Cullen, David Cushen, Brian Deller, Bernie Doeser, John Ellis, Rick Emptage, Mick Facey, Gerry Fitch, Gerry Forse, Terry Gazzard, Denis Geeson, Peter Godfrey, Don Gregory, Trevor Griffiths, Doug Guyer, David Haines, Avril Hannell (Poat) (guest), Rob Harper, Peter Harrison, Paul Heatley, Geoff Hellings, Tony Hodgson, John Hopkins, Peter Jeffs, Ken Kendrick, Brian Lane, John Leach, Stephen Lee, Sid Lines, Roger Mairlot, Phil Maloney, Paul Maloney (guest), David Mann, John Masters, Don McIntyre, Alan Marchbanks, Keith Mulberry, Stephen Munt, Peter Nockolds, Anne Norman (Williams) (guest), David Osborne (Kingston-on-Thames), Betty O'Leary (PA for the day), Paddy O'Sullivan, Ian Pardington, Jack Parker, Phil Peace, Mike Penney, Peter Penney, Ants Peters, Guy Pharaon, Graham Ray, Morgan Reynolds, David Richardson, John Richardson, Ian Ridley, Jeff Risk, Eddie Roberts, Chris Roebuck, Rod Saar, David Sarna, John Shackleton, Tony Shackleton, Ally Shaw, Andrew Shuttleworth, Philip Shuttleworth, Mike Smith, Reg Spreadborough, Brian Staples, Des Stuckey, Colin Sullivan, Tony Swain, Terry Thomlinson, Vernon Thompson, Len Timms, John Towers, Mike Turner, Paul Turner, Peter Twelftree, Richard Walton, Michael Webb, John Webster, Brian Weeden, Sylvia Weg (guest), Walter Weg, Geoff White, Ian White, David Williams, Mike Wilsdon, Colin Winger, Mike Wise, David Woods, Michael Woolfson

Pre-booked but unable to attend:   John Currie, Andrew Crisp, Walford Stone, Phil Stringer, Stuart Trehearne, Jack Westlake, Bruce Williams

45 Old Boys undertook a School tour at 11am and David Richardson later welcomed an assembly of 110 to Reunion 2008 in the downstairs Members' Bar at the London Welsh club house.