Foxhills Golf Club, Ottershaw, Surrey 2004

Attendees (98): Tony Appleby, Roy Barnes (from USA), Ivan Barwood, Roy Bayliss, John Bean, Brian Bessant, Graham Bishop, Alan Bloxham, Keith Boaler, Chris Buckerfield, Kevin Burge, John Cant, Derek Carr, Gary Chamberlin, Vic Champion, Jeremy Chapman, Derrick Cole, Hugh Coulston, Peter Cox, Robert Cullen, Lawrie Dale, David Drury, John Ellis, Colin Enderby, John Flowers, Martin Foran, Gerry Forse, Ron Friggens, Brian Godman, Rob Godwin, Don Gregory, Andy Griffiths, Trevor Griffiths, Martin Habgood, Bill Haverly, George Hartwright, Vic Hindson, Basil Hoare, Antony Hodgson, Roger Houghton, Peter Jeffs, Mike Kefford, Alan Kingwell, Brian Lane, John Leach, Dick and Mrs. Lin Lee (from USA),Trevor Leggett, David Lines, David Mann, Alan Marchbanks, Derek Martin, Chris Morris, Peter O'Brien, David Osborne, Jack Parker, Mike Penney, Peter Penney, Ants Peters, Geoff Poat, Roy Poynter, Morgan Reynolds, David Richardson, John Richardson, Eddie Roberts, Chris Roebuck, Alan Rogers, Rod Saar, John Sallis, Denis Sealby, John Sealby, Peter Sealby, Richard Simms, Graham B Smith, Mike Smith, Roger D Smith, Edward Steers, George Stephens, Vaughan Stone, Walford Stone, Dick Strevens, Ray Theodoulou, Selwyn Thomas, Terry Thomlinson, Murray Thomsett, Len Timms, John Towers, Ron Towers, Stuart Treherne, Mike Turner, Rob Vaughan, Ken Waring, Mike Webb, Walter Weg, Jack Westlake, John White, Mike Wise

NB:   Acceptances were received from 119 Old Boys but some were prevented from attending at the last minute

Since the 2002 Reunion more Old Boys have been traced and these were much in evidence at the 2004 Reunion and David Richardson was able to tell of the success of our Website, introduced at the beginning of April, 2003, which has attracted well over 9000 hits at the time of writing.

As before Old Boys had travelled from far and wide and Dick Lee and his wife Lin, also Roy Barnes had made it all the way from the United States.   We were also able to welcome Ron Friggens an ex-Shene master whose red sweater attracted great attention.   This appears to be a talisman according to his ex-pupils although they were assured that it was not the same one........

Once again, many anecdotes were exchanged....and a lot of catching up took place in a short time.

As before, Foxhills proved an excellent venue and once again we were able to display memorabilia to stir the soul, although on this occasion Johnny Towers did not bring the bat he won in the Kew Boys Annual in about 1951.   We were privileged to see it in 2002, but in that condition it is probable it would not have survived another trip from Devon ......!!!!!!!!